The Air Waves Story

The Air Waves Story

The Air Waves Story

A Legacy Worth Following

Air Waves was founded as a contract screen printer in 1981 by a group of Air Brush artists, hence the “air” in Air Waves. While airbrushing a t-shirt may not be the hottest trend of 2021, in ‘83, it was one of the coolest styles on the market. Our founders capitalized on what was popular at the time and continued to innovate as the years progressed, even as airbrushing t-shirts became a nostalgia of the past.

Over the years, while our customer has evolved and shifted, we have shifted right along with them. But, our unique value proposition of innovation, determination and creativity has stayed the same. Air Waves was acquired in 2009 and today is a modern e-commerce enablement company.

We help our customers succeed by generating a profit with a very small upfront expense and zero inventory exposure. We provide our customers with a unique, timely and quality product consistently.

Since our acquisition in 2009, Air Waves has continued to devote ourselves to finding the best solutions for our customers – finding pain points and the antidote to those pains is our specialty.

This is how we were able to hone in on our three main lines of business for the three largest needs in apparel printing: custom printing, on demand and wholesale apparel.

Solving Problems is Our Middle Name

The biggest pains for the apparel business in 2021 are stale inventory, mark downs, long lead times, and missed opportunities.

With Air Waves, we take away each one of those pains and replace them with profit for our customers.

Our on demand printing allows you to offer flexible sizing and styling without sitting on inventory that has zero guarantee of selling.

Since we offer flexibility in ordering quantities, you can determine your quantities quickly and can always order more if needed.

With our efficient team, say goodbye to an unrealistic wait time to get your products moving. Depending on the project, we can sometimes have a new design created, printed and out the door in less than 24 hours.

And if you want to be consistently relevant to your customers, you have to be in the know with the latest styles, sayings, memes and quotes of the day. Each line of business with Air Waves allows you the flexibility to capitalize on what is hot today and gone tomorrow so that you don’t miss out on a profitable opportunity.

The Way Apparel Printing Should Be

Interested in learning more about the Air Waves brand and our main lines of business? Visit our website or speak to an Air Waves representative today.